So You Want to Learn AD&D?

You've come to the right place.  I have a series of blog posts designed to introduce you to vintage AD&D and teach you how to play it more or less by the book.

Here are the links:

(Philosophical Introduction to the Game)

(How I Convinced Modern Players to Go Old School)

(Why Rules Are Your Friends)

(Intro to AD&D Miniature Movement in the Modern Age)

(Core Rules of Combat, part 1)

(Core Rules of Combat, part 2)

(Core Rules of Combat, part 3)

(Obscure Rules With Value: System Shock, Level Cap, Crushing Blows, Spell Costs, Zero HP Bedrest & More!)

(How to Use Psionics in a Non-Terrible Way)

(Old School DM Theory & Philosophy)

(Old School Player Theory & Philosophy)

(Theory on running High-Level AD&D games)​

(Mechanics to keep High-Level games on track)​

(Hows and whys of clerics, demons & deities)

(How to handle magic item manufacture​)

(Researching Existing & New Spells)​

(How to do it by the book)​

(Where​in I repeat myself from other blog posts)

Inconveniences are adventures wrongly considered.
— G.K. Chesterton

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